[MLB-WIRELESS] File sharing over 2 x WRT with WEP

David Ashburner d_ashburner at hotmail.com
Wed May 4 22:00:20 EST 2005

>File sharing over 2 x WRT with WEPI don't know how the alchemy firmware
>treats the WAN port, but under normal firmware you can't connect it to an
>existing network with the WAN port. but that's all I can offer atm.

Yes you can, though there are some side effects.  In this configuration what 
it will be doing is performing NAT between anything on it's LAN & wireless 
ports and the existing LAN. It will also firewall the wrong way - anything 
on your wireless side can get into the  existing LAN and if you want to 
initiate anything from the existing LAN you will be restricted to port 
forwarding to only one address per port.

>   I want that main Linksys to point to the other location where there is 
>internet. So the second location’s Linksys needs to be configured with DHCP
>server enabled so if the link between the second and first location is 
>both locations’ workstations will still be able to obtain IP addresses and
>print to the local printer, etc.
You could have DHCP on at both ends and serve different address ranges ( 
like 50-100 at main and 101-150 at second)

>   Problems:
>   - I can't file share with wireless security enabled. If I turn on WEP or
>WPA Pre-shared key, I try to connect over standard file sharing and it just
>doesn’t connect. I can get net access and ping between locations so they 
>talking... It just doesn’t like file sharing. Why so?
Sorry can't help here. The file sharing works ok without WEP?

>   - If I physically plug into the “Main” router, it gives me an IP address
>(192.168.20.x – provided by the Second router) but gives me a gateway of
> (and it should be .20.1). This results in an inability to get
>web access because the gateway is wrong. How do I fix that?
This is because when you get the DHCP address you get a bunch of other 
goodies with it, like the default gateway etc.  You could over come this 
with a DHCP server at both ends,you may get both trying to serve you 
addresses but the DHCP requestor will accept on and reject the others. It 
should get the local one first (unless something is very wrong).

Your using WDS, so will you have both local wireless clients and do your  
links with the same wrt/radios?  WDS sucks big time if you are sending stuff 
across the link, you cut you available bandwidth in half because each packet 
you send in has to go out again through the same radio.

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