[MLB-WIRELESS] Internet Access

Dan Flett conhoolio at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 28 07:05:21 EST 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-melbwireless at wireless.org.au [mailto:owner-
> melbwireless at wireless.org.au] On Behalf Of Tony Langdon, VK3JED
> At 09:03 PM 6/27/2005, David Ashburner wrote:
> >Ah, I think what Dan is refering to is MW establishing a fast link to the
> >internet that can be accessed via the MW network. Not sharing our private
> >conections.
> Maybe..

David is indeed correct.  I was not referring to individual members of
Melbourne Wireless sharing their personal Internet connections.  That issue
is between them and their ISP.  I'm talking about Melbourne Wireless
purchasing a wholesale Internet feed and offering it on network, free of
charge.  In order that it not be abused, anyone who wishes to use it would
need to register their contact details and the MAC address of any network
device they wanted to use on the network.  I would also advocate only
allowing certain ports to be used - so it wouldn't be an open-slather
internet feed - we'd have to block peer-to-peer file sharing, for instance.
The network infrastructure simply would not be able to handle hundreds of
kids file sharing to/from the Internet across the wireless network.
> >Perhaps MW members could receive one level of service and casual users a
> >different one. Casual users would be getting a free service but would be
> >encouraged to become members to receive a higher level of service ( as in
> >casal can say, send and receive email  and do limited web browsing, while
> >subscribers could do anything / uncapped within reason ).
> Well, my main need from a MW internet connection would be the ability to
> pop in and send/receive email (I need SSH outbound access to do this,
> because of my specific setup).  Maybe occasional web browsing as well, but
> certainly nothing huge.

I think that's what most people would want to use it for - so a
bandwidth-limited, port-blocked Internet feed would be sufficient for 95% of
people.  I don't think the network should ever be used to supply
open-slather Internet - that's what cables are for. :)


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