[MLB-WIRELESS] Re: [Syd-Wireless] SSID

Tristan Gulyas zardoz at 2600.org.au
Wed Mar 10 12:44:24 EST 2004


> Cisco's will do it as well. Typically, AP's with this feature support
> VLAN's, so you can have a seperate network per VLAN/SSID, so you can
> have a guest network, with limited access, and a more secure network
> with more access, one perhaps rate limited, multiple SSID's can be used
> to brand a hotspot for multiple companies, such as the same AP say doing
> Telstra and Optus (like it would happen, but you get the idea).

As far as I know, you can only have *one* guest mode SSID where "guest mode"
is the Cisco way of telling it to broadcast its SSID (at least on the IOS
image, not sure about the vxworks terminology).  So to clients, they will
only see one SSID, despite the fact that you may have many SSID's available.
You can then use dot1q trunking to a switch or router.

Maybe the 1200 series APs allow more flexibility with this - anyone know?


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