[MLB-WIRELESS] Submission on Wireless

Marian Szczepkowski Marian.Szczepkowski at ericsson.com.au
Fri Apr 5 12:41:36 EST 2002

You may want to check the list of usual suspects who are on this thing.

The financial review had a story on this.

Don't expect to get a receptive hearing for anything but support for the
status quo, or possible restrictions on the external use of 802 
especially if those currently on the panel want to use it for their last 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 4/5/02, 12:28:22 PM, Steven Haigh <netwiz at optushome.com.au> wrote 
regarding [MLB-WIRELESS] Submission on Wireless:

> The link posted by Barry
> http://www.dcita.gov.au/cgi-bin/graphics.pl?path=6326 which is:


> The Minister for Communications, Information Technology (IT) and the 
> Senator Richard Alston, today released draft terms of reference for
> consideration by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on
> Communications, Information Technology and the Arts in its inquiry into
> wireless broadband technologies.

> Regarding this, I'm thinking of submitting something to represent the
> wireless community and our efforts...

> What do people think we should be including in this? has anyone done this
> before?

> Signed,
> Steven Haigh

> The Internet was designed by the American Military back in the late 60's. 
> was designed to be a decentralised information delivery system so that in
> the event of a nuclear attack, American Military leaders would still have
> access to pornography.

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