[MLB-WIRELESS] D-Link Availabilty

Rowan Crowe rowan at sensation.net.au
Sat Feb 8 18:00:28 EST 2003

On Sat, 8 Feb 2003, Clae wrote:

> At 7:03 PM +1100 7/2/03, rik wrote:
> >here is 2 words they should understand "consumer affairs"
> >
> >obiously you didnt pay in cash? so you will have some proof
> >
> >http://www.consumer.gov.au/html/for_consumers.htm
> talk to your credit card company first, they may have some consumer 
> fraud protection, ie cancelling the payment

It's called a chargeback, and the merchant must pay back the original
transaction price plus an administrative fee. If average amount of
transactions versus chargebacks goes above a certain level, they may be
fined a sizeable amount, or even have their merchant account cancelled.

A consumer chargeback should be a *last* resort, better if you just return
the goods (registered so you have proof) and ask for a refund..... or
perhaps do it the other way around. :)

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