[MLB-WIRELESS] Server Virtualisation - (was RE: possible vpn

Tony Langdon, VK3JED vk3jed at vkradio.com
Wed Mar 17 19:10:26 EST 2010

At 05:57 PM 3/17/2010, mw at freenet.net.au wrote:
> > 1. The routerboard will only use a TCP openvpn connection, (I have read in
> > the past that tcp inside tcp  can have reliability issues)
>Yes, RouterOS does not support OVPN over UDP.  I don't know about any TCP
>issues - perhaps there may be some typical MTU issues, but since routerOS
>can override MSS on any kind of link, if there is ever any problems they
>would not be insurmountable.

The issue is with the TCP retry algorithm.  Dropped packets can cause 
a stall, as the retry timers of the inner and outer TCP layers conflict.

Well, whatever we use, my VPN endpoint here is behind a NAT router...

73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL

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