Neal Wise nwise+melbwireless at spy.net
Wed Oct 7 17:30:25 EST 2009

On 07/10/2009, at 4:02 PM, Bowdie Mercieca wrote:

> My company just purchased two of the DBx Wi-Spys. We purchased them  
> through our support company - Winthrop Australia.
> Excellent units. The supplied Chanalyzer software is very useful,  
> but lacks a little in some features. Theres some good third-party  
> software on the market which can make better use of the Wi-Spy.

I've played with these for a few years. They're good for oooh ahh eye  
candy use or finding really obvious stuff like angry 2.4GHz video  

The DBx is neat. If you happen to be a mac user Eakiu is a pretty neat  
OpenGL UI for it.

There's also GTK-Spectools on Linux. It also sort of works on OSX  
depending on the version of libusb you have

There is a local distributor here: http://www.wi-spy.com.au/

In the past I've bought them from metageek directly as it's sometimes  
cheaper direct depending on how brutally the US $ is going

Anyone played with the 900MHz one?

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