[MLB-WIRELESS] seeing connected nodes

Jarrod Neven jarrod at neven.info
Mon Aug 6 18:57:18 EST 2007


I have noticed that some nodes (in my area) are spot on and others are
100+ meters off. The entire coordinate system is to much for my brain to
handle, I am glad you have it all figured out.

Again, great work integrating Google maps, it seems a lot better then the
previous map server. Once the link-mapping is done it will be a perfect

When it comes to web development I am useless, so all I can do is admire ;)

Keep up the great work dude!


Tom Fifield wrote:
> I introduced the Google maps as a stop-gap measure because mapserver is
> dead - it's better than no maps at all.
> Your notion of accuracy is a little amusing - the google maps use a
> different coordinate system to the node details, so nodes could be
> hundreds of meters off.
> Links will come simply when some get around to it ... quite busy I'm
> afraid. Very much planned to bring some sort of link-mapping back.
> Regards,
> Tom Fifield
> MW WebDev Team
> Jarrod Neven wrote:
>> I am not sure if this has already been discussed, I may have missed the
>> topic so please slap me if this is the case.
>> The introduction of Google maps is great, now we have accurate street
>> maps
>> mixed with a satellite images (great work guys!).
>> But this seems to have come at a cost of losing the visual linking of
>> the
>> nodes.  The node map no longer shows a line for the connected nodes. I
>> have always loved seeing those little lines and think they added a lot
>> of
>> value.
>> Are there any plans for bring this back?  I assume there are technical
>> limitations.
>> Jarrod.

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