[MLB-WIRELESS] "Factory Outlet" internet access

Rowan 2006 rowan2006 at sensation.net.au
Sun Sep 24 12:29:56 EST 2006

On Sun, 24 Sep 2006, Ratbaggy wrote:

> 2)  Nodes are built on participating ISP premises with links to MW backbone.
> (there may be some pros and cons to consider as to who should own these
> nodes)

It's illegal for a commercial operation to deliver third party data via
wireless unless they have a carrier licence, so the wireless equipment
would need to be owned by MW (unless the ISP has a carrier licence)

Another complication I can think of: commercial roof access aint cheap!
Even if you can get an ISP to agree to colocating a router and cross
connecting to it, you're probably going to run into cost issues with
locating your wireless gear. It could end up costing a lot more than a
telco provided land link. However, that's not to say that you won't be
able to find a suburban ISP located at a residence, where the cost to
erect and maintain wireless equipment would be minimal.

I think the real concern is the $$$ going between members and the ISP to
pay for bw delivered via the MW network: the noncommercial exemption
starts to look a little murky, because MW has effectively become an ISP,
and it's NOT free for the members to use...


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