Ryan Abbenhuys sneeze at alphalink.com.au
Thu Feb 24 15:37:16 EST 2005

Nice idea in theory....but I can't see it happening.

The problem is other wireless groups won't take kindly to one group making
a decision like that.  The other issue is that other wireless groups
already have other DNS systems, some similar to this one. Another issue is
that we really shouldn't be thinking about linking interstate when we
aren't linked up within the state.

There's a lot of getting ahead of ourselves which results in nobody making
a decision in the end and nothing progressing at all.  Part of the reason I
have become so jaded.

With the mwnode.com DNS setup, it took nothing to setup, it works for
everyone, it's very simple.  Until such time as someone can show the group
another system that works and an actual *need* for another system, why

I had a draft of another DNS system ready to go sometime ago that would
have also worked but was more involved.  I came to the conclusion that I
could put the idea out there and people would say great stuff, but nothing
was ever going to happen.  So mwnode.com happened overnight and it does the
job fine.

So my opinion would be to just keep using it until there is good reason to
change.  Concentrate on other things such as getting active services on the
network, working on better routing design, and more links between groups. 
It's all very well to have a free wireless network but if nobody does
anything with it what's the point? (pings don't count)

>Hi Ryan,
>thanks for the info - I was unaware of such a system already in place.
>My only thought is that the naming convention is very specific to 
>*melbourne*wireless - at present this doesn't matter - however if (when) 
>melb wireless manages to spread its wings and connect with one of the 
>interstate networks things may be a little different. I would have 
>though a more generic, national naming convention would be the best
>keep in mind I am simply sharing my thoughgts on this - I am unaware of 
>the history of this to date (as, it would seem, are many others).
>Has this naming convention been set in stone by the committee or is it 
>just one that has got "off the ground"?
>node INQ

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