[MLB-WIRELESS] TIB Offer: New 2.4 GHz feeds for wire-type 'ex-Galaxy' Grid antennas

Rob Clark clark at freenet-antennas.com
Sun Oct 17 19:21:44 EST 2004

Melbourne Wireless members:

If you have ex-Galaxy antennas, with 'Pacific Monolithics' dipole feeds,
I have a number of brand-new, drop-in replacement dipole feeds - factory
made for 2.4 GHz.

The normal price is: 
 - Hills: $120+ incl GST
 - Freenet Antennas: $60 incl GST

Melbourne Wireless Offer:
 - 10+: $55 each incl GST and free shipping to one Melbourne address
 - 20+: $50 each incl GST and free shipping to one Melbourne address

Offer Expires (and numbers will be tallied)
 - End October.

As the TIB is not running (is it?), if you want one of these, please
email me at:
clark at freenet-antennas.com and I will keep track of the numbers.

Product Details:
See the "Dipole Feed". Note: The ones I have have an N-female connector,
unlike the one in the photo.


Rob Clark

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