[MLB-WIRELESS] Video Streaming over Wireless

Michael Borthwick holden at netspace.net.au
Fri Nov 12 00:30:21 EST 2004

On 11/11/2004, at 11:07 PM, <graham at aanet.com.au> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Just pondering some possible ideas for my Telecoms project at uni.
> Wanted to know how I'd go about streaming video over 802.11
> Thinking of creating multiple embedded devices (say 4) all streaming
> video to a server.
> Would this be possible? or would there not be enough bandwidth 
> available
> to stream this much data.
It all depends on the video and audio data rate (but you knew that).
As Dean says, you should have plenty of bandwidth:

I don't know that anyone has managed to fit an MPEG-2 transport stream 
into an 802.11(b) channel but if you were to stream MPEG-4 Advanced 
Simple Profile at (say) Level 3 (for which the max data rate is 
768Kbit/sec and nominal resolution 352x288) you could fit 4 streams 
into a single Wi-FI channel which offers max theoretical throughput of 
5.5Mbit/sec but in the real world between 3 and 4 Mbit/sec if you have 
a perfect link.

MPEG-4 Part 10 (Advanced Simple Profile) offers around 70% improvement 
in efficiency but you need more CPU horsepower and possibly RAM in your 
embedded encoder. There is a lot of silicon around to do this now, as 
well as pre-built boards.



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