[MLB-WIRELESS] Re: I'm setting up in Camberwell x 3 - I know nothing!

Ben Cox bencox at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 02:49:18 EST 2004

I wouldn't recommend using an omni for links over 3km, unless you use
*high gain* directionals for the other antennae.

D-Link and Netgear are terrible, IMO. You would be better off with
second hand equipment.

Probably best to use a linux box with wireless cards and coax at B. 

The linksys WRT54G is popular as well as the 802.11b Minitar, you can
mount those (in a waterproof box) on the mast to avoid cable loss.

Signal strength is usually measured with a laptop and wireless card.

Your best bet is to come along to the next meeting. (this Friday) I am
from the Hawthorn area (IEB), so not too far from those 3 locations. I
can help you get set up if you like.

Hoping to see you at the meeting!


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