Dan Flett conhoolio at hotmail.com
Mon May 10 20:39:26 EST 2004

Hi guys,

I found an interesting piece of software today for Linux (it supports
other OSes too actually) - Webmin - a web-based interface for lots of
different Linux functions and applications.  It has plug in modules to
give a web-based front-end to things like Apache, DHCP, DNS, Samba,
Network setup, etc.
It's even got a Java SSH client (that I cant quite get to work yet).

It's at http://www.webmin.com.  I've searched in vain for modules to
control hostap/wireless-tools and Quagga/OSPF, but they don't seem to
exist yet.  But it does allow you to create your own crude web controls
and edit config files over the web interface.

Some of you have probably seen this before.  Seems like a good candidate
for a front-end to a wireless node linux distro.


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