[MLB-WIRELESS] Waterproof casing advice...

Dan Flett conhoolio at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 9 14:58:04 EST 2004

> > Good idea... I didn't think of that. How would the little minitar
> > hold up against the weather?  Should I put it in heatshrink? Is it
> > for the aerial to point down, reducing the chance of water getting
> > or does it need to point up?
> The Minitar omni is about 2dB gain - that means it radiates pretty
> in almost every direction except straight up and straight down.  You'd
> be pretty safe to use it upside down I think.  Glue heatshrink will do
> pretty good job of keeping the water out - it's not really watertight
> and I imagine water would get in and corrode the radiating elements
> inside the plastic. 

Just thought I'd correct my own poor grammar here: The glue heatshrink
*is*  quite waterproof, the Minitar omni antenna is not really


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