Ryan Abbenhuys sneeze at alphalink.com.au
Tue Feb 17 15:55:14 EST 2004

...i'm gonna be hammering QoS in this group and breaking up into OSPF


>Hi all,
>OK, I think I've kicked over a big enough anthill to warrant the
>creation of a proposed Working Group.  I call it WGBackbone.  At this
>stage it aims to discuss whether or not a specialised group is needed to
>go out and put Backbone nodes together in key sites.
>If you're interested in discussing or reading about this go to 
>Don't be shy about adding your opinions and questions to the page!
>As of this writing my name is the only one on the Members list.  Please
>add your name so it becomes more than just a "proposed" group. :)
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