[MLB-WIRELESS] Different modes?

Rob Clark clark at FreeNet-Antennas.com
Mon Oct 20 09:50:10 EST 2003


Or....just use it in std 'AP' mode. In AP mode it will 'repeat' the
packets for you. I would recommend AP mode for the 'tower'.

As a side comment: In Amateur Radio, the general rule is you can't get
your antenna high enough. But with 2.4 Ghz, you can come unstuck with
the same rule ... Depending on what type of antenna you use on the

If you are planning on using a slotted Waveguide antenna, don't forget
these antennas have a 'Pizza' shaped beam, that drops off pretty quickly
as you move the target antenna higher/lower in elevation. If you put a
360 degree WG high on a mast, you might find that that the signal sails
over everyone's head .... And the signal down at the roof level of the
candidate houses is weak.  A good solution to this is: Use 180 degree
WGs (two back to back make a 360), and angle them doen so that the pizza
beam hits approx the center of the suburbs targeted.

Good luck.
Rob Clark

PS. In no circumstance would I recommend 'Repeater' mode in your case.
In repeater mode, the 'repeater' AP is acting as a slave to the real AP
(somewhere else). It repeats the packets it hears from the real AP, on
the same channel (but displaced in time). The purpose of repeater mode
is to double the effective range of an AP, at the expense of bandwidth.
In other words, all packets must traverse the wireless network twice (at

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-melbwireless at wireless.org.au
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vk3jma at net2000.com.au
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 6:47 AM
To: melbwireless at wireless.org.au
Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] Different modes?

Hi People, Me again with another question......

A group of us way down south east metro melbourne, Berwick/Narre/Hampton
would like to set up a WLAN.  Not all of us are LOS to each other but
there is 
a Comms Tower well placed that we can utilise,  it is around 110m ASL at
base and is 30m high itself.

The idea we are thinking of is to place a AP on this tower and use 
either "wireless repeater" or "multi-point bridge" mode.

I notice in the menu of my DWL900APA+ that wireless repeater mode has a
address field.  

The proposed AP would be stand alone, ie, no PC connected.

My questions are.

1. Can we use this mode for multiple sites of is it primarily for a
repeat of a 
single link?

2. Can point to multi-point bridge mode be used in this way?

Many thanks for your time.


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