[MLB-WIRELESS] Open Season on Wireless LANs

Jeremy Lunn jeremy at austux.net
Thu May 22 21:57:50 EST 2003

On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 07:05:40PM +1000, Barry Park wrote:
> Interesting. Aims to put the onus of securing a wifi AP on the AP's owner.
> While it doesn't endorse wardriving, it does suggest that passively
> connecting to an AP may not be regarded as criminal if ignorance is use as a
> defence. I would like to see this tested in a .au court though.

If you honestly used a network by accident, you should be fine anyway
since criminal laws generally require intent.  Considering the APs are
open, I'm sure that could be used a defence as well.  I wonder if the
owner of an open AP could be found negligent for allowing an attacker an
easy anonymous access to attack someone via the Internet.

Jeremy Lunn
Melbourne, Australia
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