Jamie Moir jmoir at jmcs.net.au
Mon May 19 14:26:41 EST 2003

On Mon, 19 May 2003, Tristan Gulyas wrote:

> Howdy,
> > Yes I realise that its most direct equivalent would be the AP-2000, apart
> > from G support?. I just meant I dont have any direct experience with them,
> > just the AP-1000s instead =)
> I believe that there's alreeady 54Mbps support with an 802.11a card (and I
> would think that .g is supported with the a/b/g cards?).  All this would
> need is a firmware upgrade.

Support is the point here. G card are a supported option for the AP-2000,
they are not in an AP-3 from memory.

> Indeed, and they're not terribly expensive for an AP of this sort of
> flexibility and capabilities - they are available from Harris Tech
> (www.ht.com.au) for $499 GST INC.
> I've tested the Avaya and Orinoco cards in an AP3 but I haven't had any
> success with the Enterasys cards - is there a firmware update available to
> support the Enterasys cards?

Alternately you could try the misery of the enterasys to orinoco firmware
upgrade blood majik ...


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