[MLB-WIRELESS] Melbwirelses DNS and Domain Names

andrewg at d2.net.au andrewg at d2.net.au
Mon May 12 11:57:38 EST 2003

> Not to mention the fact that as most peoples home networks are
> connected to the Internet, how do you propose that people resolve these
> private names? Everyone on MW would have to point to the authoritive
> nameservers for .mw, and those NS' would then have to proxy REAL DNS
> queries into the net....

Nono, see my previous post.

> I agree www.blah.melbourne.wireless.org.au is to long to type in, so
> perhaps something like www.joeblogs.mw.org.au ????
> Not using global public DNS seems ludicrous to me, and is not future
> proof at all.

Specially when it comes to IPv6 (sorry, I had to mention that.)

> B.

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