[MLB-WIRELESS] DWL900AP+, network DHCP query

Grant McHerron grant at taoceti.com.au
Fri Apr 11 00:07:48 EST 2003

Just to check - have you tried plugging the laptop into the LAN with a 
"normal" card & cable rather than using wireless? If so, does it pick up 
the DHCP correctly when you fire it up? If not, it's a LAN thing. If yes, 
damn, gotta be the AP.

If it's a LAN thing, check that the DHCP server is set to "authoritative" - 
my laptop was always having problems after returning from client LANs until 
I remember that bit :)

Apologies if stating the f'n obvious :)



Grant McHerron
Tao Ceti Pty Ltd

Level 1, 530 Little Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
Ph: +61 3 9909 7067             Fax: +61 3 9228 3257
http://www.taoceti.com.au       grant at taoceti.com.au

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