[MLB-WIRELESS] Re: Here comes the pain...

evilbunny evilbunny at sydneywireless.com
Sat Sep 21 19:40:09 EST 2002

Hello sanbar,

so easy for them to allow innovation, open up the telstra cable and
copper networks at $5/mo and boom u have a booming DSL/cable

o wait, that would deprive telstra of too much profits, my mistake...

Best regards,
 evilbunny                            mailto:evilbunny at sydneywireless.com

http://www.SydneyWireless.com - Exercise your communications
freedom to make it do what you never thought possible... 

Saturday, September 21, 2002, 7:37:38 PM, you wrote:

s> OK, let's try and be realistic for a moment. At most the Starbucks and
s> McDonald's, Hudsons and Mary Martins of the world will probably do is to
s> put a 2dBi/30mW commercial AP - we're not talking high-end gear like
s> Cisco here - on the end of a dial-up account, pay 18 cents a meg and
s> charge the customer 30 cents a meg. It's not as though they'll be
s> pushing out packets at DSL speeds. After all, they have to make money
s> off it.
s> Alston says innovation. I say white noise.
s> - Barry

s> On Sat, 2002-09-21 at 19:02, evilbunny wrote:
>> Realistically with the legal requirements for commercial exception to
>> the carrier regulations under the amended rules, there is no need that
>> I can even see that would warrant more then 100mW EIRP, this would
>> also remove any problems from the above...
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