[MLB-WIRELESS] tonights meet

Tony Langdon, VK3JED vk3jed at optushome.com.au
Sat Sep 14 21:29:08 EST 2002

At 09:21 PM 14/09/2002 +1000, you wrote:

>well i didnt go on friday because i really couldnt stand sitting through a
>traditional meeting where we were to be "spoonfed information" as per usaul.
>from what i hear the more casual meeting would have been something that i
>would have enjoyed a greal deal, i'm sorry i missed it :(

You would have loved this meeting then.  it was very casual, with the 
emphasis on tinkering.  Lots of lappys running around with a decent sized 
WLAN on the go. :)

>i do however feel that it might be good to vary the style of meetings...
>sure its nice to have a representative from some company come and talk but
>perhaps only once every couple of months?

Yes, I believe there is a need for both styles of meeting - one semi-formal 
with company representatives or speakers, the other focussed on tinkering. :)

73 de Tony, VK3JED

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