[MLB-WIRELESS] psssst! Want a cheap Tshirt?

dwayne dwayne at pobox.com
Fri May 31 16:31:20 EST 2002

Toliman wrote:

> PS. would be good to see some membership paraphenalia start to emerge ...
> (that doesnt have the cafepress.com logo embossed onto it.) maybe some melb-
> wireless embossed tin cans with string attached to the base & N connectors
> attached to the sides.

A: LOGOS  we need suggestions for logos send in even shitty ideas and
the graphically enabled amongst us can use them as starting points

B: I know someone who can print Tshirts. We can either individually get
them done and have MW get 10% of the profit via some crowd on the net,
or I can get this guy I know to do a bulk run.

My suggestion is: we charge $25, same as the other crowd, but ALL the
profit goes to MW, not 10%

I need some idea of numbers to get prices.  So:


email me offlist  (ahahahahahah sure you will)

and let me know and I'll work out numbers and pricing.
I'm thinking plain colour tshirt with single-colour print.


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