[MLB-WIRELESS] PCI order wrap-up.

Paul van den Bergen paul at serc.rmit.edu.au
Fri May 3 15:18:46 EST 2002

On 05/03/02 02:49 PM, Fenn Bailey wrote:

> On that note,
> I have been throwing around the idea of having a phone numbers as 
> manditory on TIB.
> What are people's opinions on this?
>     Fenn.
yeah, maybe.
here are a few points you may want to consider.

The problem is getting people to behave.

Contact and communication.
Making people pay puts the onus on the user to contact the owner of the 
bulk buy and is a better way to ensure they contact you than giving 
different methods that you can contact them.  
that way all is ease and comfort.  they have to contact you not the 
other way around.  
If someone is contactable, then it'll all work by whatever method
Email seems to be logical as this is an email forum!  do you really want 
to be making a couple of hundred phone calls?

even with the best intentions, people have trouble communicating. 
 payment at the time of order will atleast reduce the contact points to 
a (potential) minimum of 2 - one to order and one to pickup or deliver...

Now that having been said, that leads to a single point of failure - the 
bulk buy owner.  but better a single point of failure (that cannot 
actually be avoided) than several dozen...

Dr Paul van den Bergen
paul at serc.rmit.edu.au
+613 9925 1624 (Phone)
+613 9925 5699 (Fax)

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