[MLB-WIRELESS] Newbie question

Matthew Chipman mkchipman at optushome.com.au
Tue Mar 19 12:19:09 EST 2002

Paul ,   Welcome.

You are right, there is more than just the cost of the cards.

These are ball park figures and you could get everything here cheaper but it
does give you an idea.

Wireless pcmcia Card $200.00  (if the $30.00 ones fall through we live in
hope but the reality is this is probably below manufactures cost)
PCI adapter card for above PCMCIA card $150.00
dedicated 486/pentium computer $100.00
Pigtail (sort of a adapter to go from PCMCIA card to coax) $60.00
Antanae $200.00
Low loss cable between antannae and pc LMR-400 $50.00 for 10 meters
N connectors for each end of the coaxiale cable  $50.00 ??

All up this is about $810.00  - The warm fuzzies are free with the knowledge
you were part of the movement that gave FREE broadband Intranet access to
remote comunities, something the biggest Telco in the land could not do!

People reading this might think this is out of their league but remeber a
28K modem used to cost this much 6 years ago.

You gather, you scam, you beg, you borrow (no stealing people! :))

If you try hard you can get this to about $500.00 i am sure or less!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul van den Bergen" <paul at serc.rmit.edu.au>
To: <melbwireless at melbwireless.dyndns.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 10:17 AM
Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] Newbie question

> Hi all,
> just subscribed, intended to lurk, suprising amount of traffic....  but
> I got a question.
> Noticed the 802.11 cards @ $30, tempted to get one now to avoid the
> rush...  but- what are we looking at for total cost of connection here
> (located in Glen Waverly - on a ridge - overlooking dandenong valley
> (sort of) ).  I am guessing it is more than just the cost of a single
> card - especially if you are constructing something other than an
> extended star network.....  (have a BSD box I could dedicate to the
> connection, or my recently aquired old Sparc station 2 if I ever get the
> thing working again d'ya think it'll take a 802.11 card....;-) )
> --
> Dr Paul van den Bergen
> goofey:bulwynkl
> paul at serc.rmit.edu.au
> +613 9925 1624 (RMIT)
> +613 9905 4654 (Monash-less often)
> --
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