Jason Hecker jason at air.net.au
Wed Jun 19 12:48:45 EST 2002

Ah, slot 1 mobo's are most likely PCI2.1 which should work with 2.2 
devices.  I don't think you will have many problems there.

It's just that super/socket7 mobos are so cheap/free and they make such 
nice networking boxes.  It's a shame they don't work with these new cradles.

At 11:43 AM 19/06/2002 +1000, Matt Pearce wrote:
>I currently have my cradel in a slot 1 motherboard that has 2 isa slots and
>4 pci.  Redhat 7.3 found it with no trouble at all.  Although having said
>that I havnt managed to get my enterasys card working in the cradle cause I
>dont know how to yet.  But I dont think the cradle is the issue here, just
>me :-) .

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