[MLB-WIRELESS] Fwd: [mesh] WOAH!

Steven Haigh netwiz at optushome.com.au
Mon Jul 1 13:19:34 EST 2002

Yes, but it also stops us from getting caught out....

pipe goes down, not our problem.
somebody finds a way round the logging, not our problem
log info goes astray, not our problem.
user doesn't pay his bill, not our problem.

I don't see how much different it is to log users data amounts over wireless
than over a dialin... it's just that you're coming in over a wifi
connections instead of a PSTN line... Why would this be any different to any
other user an ISP has? at the end of the day, it's always a

Yes, ISPs could charge per pipe, or per Mb to the end user... but when the
ISPs come to you, then the ISP getting the most business is the one that
offers the best deal... Opens up the area to competition - which is good for
the end user...

WiFi would actually be cheaper for ISPs to implement than other technologies
like ADSL, as there are no rentals or service costs associated with the

Steven Haigh
President - Melbourne Wireless

----- Original Message -----
From: "KevinL" <darius at obsidian.com.au>
To: "Steven Haigh" <netwiz at optushome.com.au>
Cc: <melbwireless at wireless.org.au>
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: [MLB-WIRELESS] Fwd: [mesh] WOAH!

> On Mon, 2002-07-01 at 13:02, Steven Haigh wrote:
> > to throw a cat amoung the pidgeons....
> >
> > why are we wanting to set up a pipe?
> >
> > Why don't we let the ISPs come to us? we provide the existing network,
the ISP
> > takes care of billing etc... lets make our network work for us, not
> > us...
> There's very few ISP's that have the tech available (and the time, and
> the interest) to provide billing down to individual users within an
> organisation.  Most likely, any ISP that rolled 'net access up to "our
> doorstep", would provide billing on a per-Mb or per-pipe basis, to the
> whole organisation, and let us deal with figuring out who pays for what
> bit.
> That means we're almost certainly in the position where, if 'net access
> is to traverse the network at any point, someone's going to have to do
> something about monitoring it, both in terms of tracking resource use
> for provisioning (and that applies to all heavily-trafficked internal
> links, too, ideally), and in terms of working out who pays how much.
> As far as I can see, Airnet's offer is essentially the same as anyone
> else's offer - they can provide bandwidth, they'll do it cheapish
> because they like community groups, but that's it.  The one thing that
> _is_ intruiging (I found buried amongst everything else on whirlpool),
> is that he's offering Nominated Carrier Declarations for community
> groups that can show their installs are of sufficient quality.
> That'd mean we _could_ legally carry third-party traffic over the
> wireless network.  The practicalities of managing such would, I suspect,
> be too much to deal with at the moment, but it's an interesting
> thought...

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