[MLB-WIRELESS] Talks and meetings

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Thu Jan 17 09:17:59 EST 2002

> Say, Tony... want to give a quick talk at the next meet?  
> Show people the
> basics of selecting a card, antenna and cable that will meet ACA
> requirements, and maybe a formula or two describing 
> conversion between dBm
> and dBi?  I'm sure many of us would appreciate it.  ;)

Well, someone else will know about which cards, but I can look at dBs, gain
and power issues :)  Next month wonn't be good.  I can't guarantee being in
Melbourne, as I'm on leave and am planning at least 2 excursions out of
town.  All my radio club stuff is crowded towards the start and end of that
3 week block, leaving the middle free.  Unfortunately, the melbwireless meet
would fall near one of the middle weekends.

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