[MLB-WIRELESS] Physics guide

Michael Borthwick holden at netspace.net.au
Wed Jan 16 16:35:34 EST 2002

"Tony Langdon, VK3JED" wrote:

> At 06:18 PM 15/01/2002 +1100, you wrote:
> >Hey,
> >
> >Can someone point me to a handy reference to the physics surrounding radio
> >communications? I'm afraid I didn't touch it after Sixth form, and sometimes
> >I get very confused.
> Look up any decent amateur textbook (ARRL Handbook, RSGB Handbook, etc),
> and there's some on line references by Ron, VK2DQ

I'm sure Tony will understand when I say that I have found these references a
little opaque.

I have just read through VHF/UHF/Microwave Radio Propagation: A Primer for
Digital Experimenters

available as HTML and PDF at

the first time you scan through it you might freak out over some of the formulae
but if you actually print it out and *read* it like people used to do in the old
days I think most people should be able to get their heads around it.

Based on this text I was able to develop a spreadsheet that can estimate
received signal strength based on distance, card output power and antenna gains
at each end. Don't ask me to post it - just like Danny Dun's homework machine
you learn more by actually building it yourself.

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