[MLB-WIRELESS] We need a Newsgroup Server

Tony Langdon, VK3JED vk3jed at optushome.com.au
Fri Jan 11 18:09:14 EST 2002

At 04:30 PM 11/01/2002 +1100, you wrote:

>Why not a mail <--> news gateway? There's plenty of software around to do
>it, and that way people who wanted the mailing list could use it, while
>people who wanted only to use news could do their thing as well. It would be
>the least disruptive solution, as the only people who would have to change
>are the people who would want to unsubscribe from the list and just browse
>the ng.

This would be a great idea.  I have only one thing against a newsgroup 
(which is a pity, because newsgroups can be good), and that is they tend to 
attract spammers. :-(

>One point I'd like to raise is that the transient forms of communication
>(IRC, ICQ etc) are probably not such a good idea as it's often valuable to
>be able to search list archives etc. years after the fact.

They're a good adjunct to the more permanent sources.  That said, I have 
logs that go back most of the lifetime of #melb-wireless, except for the 
times when the work connection has gone down.

>As for a news server: I'm sure somebody knows of one that can host a group.
>Failing that, I'm sure we can set one up with a few pieces of string and
>bubble-gum :)

Any INN gurus out there? :)  Maybe if we have a private news server which 
requires authentication to access?  Keep the spammers out.

73 de Tony, VK3JED
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