[MLB-WIRELESS] PCI PC card adaptor

Richard Van Orsouw Richard.Van.Orsouw at optus.com.au
Mon Aug 5 11:28:43 EST 2002

I'm having problems getting this RICOH card adaptor to be recognised in a
RH7.3 on a P 166Mhz box. The card works fine when installed in another
machine (Athlon 1GHz) under RH7.3. Is there a PCI bus version problem ?. The
machine is a DELL where the PCI/ISA bus is vertically mounted via a socket
on the motherboard ( 1 PCI, 3 ISA)
I've tried running freeBSD but machine hangs aftter mounting ad0 during
Also does freeBSD have problems with 3COM & NE200 compatibel LAN cards. This
machine hangs with either of these cards installed during installation. RH
7.3 installation works fine with LAN cards but not PC card adaptor.
In summary,

OS		3COM LAN	PCI adaptor
RH7.3		OK		ds not loaded
free BSD	hangs	during install

ne help would be much appreciated as I have spent hours and hours trying to
find the right combo to get this machine happening as my router to i/face my
wireless and LAN network.


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