[MLB-WIRELESS] Directional antenna, and a mast

Matt Chipman mkchipman at optushome.com.au
Tue Apr 23 11:15:28 EST 2002

> These are the only things holding me back from having a fully functional
> node: a decent antenna, and a pole to stick it on.


> And masts - they're obviously an essential part for most people. Has
> got any leads for buying one at a good price, or hacking together my own?
> Cheers,
> Ben.

Scared as we were, a friend and myself took ourselves by the kanoolies and
knocked on a few doors.  End result, after about 50 minutes and ten bucks
lighter we had 1 25dbi on a ten foot mast and 1 smaller 15dbi?? antannae and
mast in the back of the car.

I tell you this not to impress, but to show you it can be done with a bit of
recon prepearation and a friendly smile :)

be careful up there!!


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