[MLB-WIRELESS] "Sense of community"

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Mon Apr 22 15:13:52 EST 2002

> this was just due to people in the channel sydney who have 
> syd in there host
> name ie 1083wv.syd-iprimus.com.au

Hmm, we may have to devise a better means of anti spamming. :-(  Don't want
to shut out ppl like Craig who want to have some constructive discussion.
Also, a lot of spammers are so predictable it might be possible to use
scripts to keep lusers out. :)

> i think that we should put the irc channel on oz.org my self

Hmm, ozorg has been having performance problems of late (those DDOS attacks
still?), though improving.  Also, that would create some issues my end.  I
say leave it on Austnet...  on ozorg U get pr0n spammers anyway, using hit
and run tactics from multiple domains. :)

Moving around is going to gain nothing except confusing the users... 

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