[MLB-WIRELESS] Backbone thoughts.

David Arnold arnold at dstc.monash.edu.au
Tue Oct 30 08:02:22 EST 2001

-->"Adrian" == Adrian Close <adrian at close.wattle.id.au> writes:

  Adrian> In the meantime we might fill in some of the gaps with
  Adrian> direct, wired links (e.g. modems) or "wormholes" via the
  Adrian> wired Internet (it might be slow, but at least it's a link -
  Adrian> we'd still have to be careful about cost on those links
  Adrian> too).

i'm sure a lot of us will have old modems lying around.  best we can
get is 33.6kbps point-to-point, but ... that's better than nothing,
and the cost is very low.

of course 11Mbps is better ;-)

  Adrian> Before we get to that stage, we need more links!



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