[MLB-WIRELESS] more important issues

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Mon Oct 29 09:33:14 EST 2001

> Back to my issue as for ip allocation allow each cell to develop its
> own, and rework it, etc as it expands/merges (other cells), or have a
> adressing scheme in place. Currently I'm using the 10.0.0.x addressing
> range.

Given that most home networks use 10.0.0.x or 192.168.0.x, I strongly
suggest that we use a more obscure range of IP addresses for our networks.
Some ideas include:


These are all still part of the private address space.

By using the more "unusual" addresses, we can minimise the risk of IP
conflicts.  Personally, for me, a lot of the 192.168.x.x address space will
cause conflicts for me.
> Also what would the domain be? x.melbournewireless.dyns.org?, or each
> cell to his own.

Well, we will probably need a split DNS...  internal and external having
having different data.  Also, I think we should register a domain.  Dyndns
will be too inflexible, and is designed to resolve publicly accessible IPs
which are dynamic - a different kettle of fish.

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