[MLB-WIRELESS] [proposal] IP allocation (was: DNS, DHCP, stat ic ip... )

David Arnold arnold at dstc.monash.edu.au
Thu Nov 22 09:12:19 EST 2001

-->"Tony" == Tony Langdon <tlangdon at atctraining.com.au> writes:

  Tony> Aounds pretty good.  However, I'd also look at making
  Tony> provisions for IP tunneling wormholes, especially since Linux
  Tony> supports basic (unencrypted) IP encapsulation out of the box
  Tony> and there's a whole swag of VPN software out there (CIPE has
  Tony> some useful attributes for this sort of wormholing :) ).

i don't see a good way of dealing with this.  if you tunnel within an
area, that's easy, but out-of-area tunnels will be both more useful,
and more expensive, routing-wise.

  Tony> As for IP allocations, we may have to modify the basic
  Tony> geographic model somewhat.  For example, if the valley I'm in
  Tony> suddenly got populated by a heap of nodes, it would make sense
  Tony> for them all to be on the same subnet, since they'd see each
  Tony> other and be relatively isolated from the rest of the network.
  Tony> The geographic allocation needs topographic flexibility.

i was hoping that we could get away with some pretty simple big
decisions: "send this packet north-east" for example, across most of
the network.

once you we get to "north-east" we've got 11 bits worth of structure
to play with, split into two more layers.  i figure "hidden valley"
gets a few of BxNodes with good outside connectivity, and a bunch of
internal CxNodes serving local areas.

in short, i think you're right, and i hope the 3-layer geog/bx/cx
model will be an ok way to do it ...


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