[MLB-WIRELESS] [proposal] IP allocation (was: DNS, DHCP, stat ic ip... )

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Thu Nov 22 08:14:09 EST 2001

> 1) people should suggest (in the node database) whether they want to
>    be a client-node (ie. one antenna linking into "The Network"), or a
>    CxNode (a local distribution hub, needs at least two cards and an
>    omni + one directional).
>    aside from the willingness (and finances) of the node owner,
>    geography plays a part in this: if you're in a hollow, in a ground
>    floor flat, you're probably not a good CxNode candidate ;-)
> 2) if there's an active CxNode already within range, you will get a
>    sub-allocation from them.  
>    if there's no CxNode within range, and you're prepared to be a
>    CxNode, you'll get a /24 from either the nearest BxNode or from the
>    geographical allocation (if there's no nearby Bx).
>    otherwise, if there's no CxNode within range, and you are not able
>    to be a CxNode, then you have to wait until there is one ;-)

Aounds pretty good.  However, I'd also look at making provisions for IP
tunneling wormholes, especially since Linux supports basic (unencrypted) IP
encapsulation out of the box and there's a whole swag of VPN software out
there (CIPE has some useful attributes for this sort of wormholing :) ).

While we want to be all wireless, don't discount the use of tunneling to
fill in holes on the network, especially on a temporary basis, or to cover
difficult/isolated areas.

As for IP allocations, we may have to modify the basic geographic model
somewhat.  For example, if the valley I'm in suddenly got populated by a
heap of nodes, it would make sense for them all to be on the same subnet,
since they'd see each other and be relatively isolated from the rest of the
network.  The geographic allocation needs topographic flexibility.

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