[MLB-WIRELESS] Request : No_ISP and Nodecity : Network of Community Networks : NCN on NBN

Mike Everest mw at freenet.net.au
Fri Feb 1 14:36:03 EST 2013

Hi Donal,

Perhaps you might consider making a brief presentation at a general meeting
(held once each month in Hawthorn) about what you are doing and what you
hope to achieve.

It seems likely to me that there may be a lot of synergy between what MW is
doing as a group, and what you guys are up to.  There may be some ways that
we can work out some integrated approach to suit both purposes - maybe a way
to use virtualAPs and VLANs so that every MW node could act also as a base
for your activities as well?

Putting my MW membership hat aside, and putting on my work hat, I'd also
like to talk to you more about your objectives and immediate needs - perhaps
my company (DuxTel.com) can assist in some way through assistance with
hardware/software needs?

Cheers,  Mike Everest.
Node KBN

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