[MLB-WIRELESS] Thanks for the info

Tim Hogard thogard at abnormal.com
Sat Mar 5 18:07:09 EST 2011

> Thanks guys, I really appreciate your answers! Another question: have you ever tried other protocols like OLSR, AODV, B.A.T.M.A.N., Babel...?<br>Cheers,<br>Albert.<br>

We don't care what people try.

I run one of the gateways on a major node and I only care that I don't get bad advertisements via BGP so
I limit those to the guys I know can do it right and leave any other BGP to anyone who wants to play with it.
Because of that I don't care so much about OSPF but I don't like broken adverts on that.

Outside of that I don't care.  We run an expierment network and if you want to take 1/2 of it down,
thats ok as long as it can get fixed real quick.  But you can't mess with the core.  From my
point of view, The core consists of my stuff (no ego there) and major backbone and the few sites we 
provide internet in exchange for roof space.  Out side of that, take the risks... make progress and
do new things.  But don't break things and have a roll back plan.


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