[MLB-WIRELESS] Server Virtualisation - (was RE: possible vpn

Kevin kevin at fuber.org
Wed Mar 17 11:29:29 EST 2010

On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 10:59, Andrew van Slageren
<andrewvsm at yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> Keep in mind that each VM will still have to be individually managed,
> secured, regularly patched and backed up, especially if they will have
> public IP's.
> How can we ensure that the admins put in charge of each VM will be able
> to do this?

Why not have the dev servers accessible from inside melbourne wireless
and those who have vpn access? the only public servers could be the
production ones

I have a few (2 mbe 3) 500GB desktop drives i can donate for something
or other if needed

Kevin (tacticus)

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