[MLB-WIRELESS] Bullet2 output power, why 1W or 100mW

Mark Aitken nodegxt at yahoo.com.au
Thu Mar 5 17:12:09 EST 2009

mw at freenet.net.au wrote:
> I don't see any indication that amateur license gives anyone to the right to
> run wifi abve 36dB EIRP!  I can't understand why amateur license would
> override normal class licenses, but hey - it's the first time I've ever
> looked at that doc ;-)
> Cheers!
well you see it then wouldn't come under the ISM licenses then, it would 
be an amateur radio
modulation type and be subject to amateur radio regulations. which I 
stated earlier allows up
to 120 Watts into the antenna for this type of emission, 400 watts if 
SSB (or more I think if you
ask for a special consideration from the ACMA, 1KW in certain 
circumstances, wohoo!!!)

The issues with turning an 802.11abg into a high power amateur radio 
signal is that all but
amateur radio operators would be exempt from using it, due to third 
party restriction regs.

So it is only food for thought and would not be in the spirit of 
co-existance between wifi users
and amateur radio operators using the same band.

As for "As far as I can figure it out, you can only transmit in the wifi 
1,2,& 3 with max width of 100K" the band plan for 2.4 GHz for amateur 
radio operators is
for ANY emission type upto 2.450 GHz which to my reckoning puts it upto 
and including channel 6.

FSTV @ 18MHz bandwidth as you have stated is allowable and although 
there is a WIA "gentlemans agreement"
as to what is used where in the band, my TV signal at 120 watts into a 
40 dbi dish can be used up to 2.450 GHz
so long as i do not wander over that band edge! , some goes for my DSSS 
(Spread specrtum ) signal.

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