[MLB-WIRELESS] WRT54G-L on ebay - and clearnet link

Murray.Jensen at csiro.au Murray.Jensen at csiro.au
Fri May 19 12:07:46 EST 2006

On Thu, 18 May 2006 23:02:34 +1000, "gabrielle harrison and Paul van den Bergen" writes:
>apparently that's a linux-based wrt54G...
>only has a few hours left, $124, canbera...

Hmm.. I drove down to Centrecom in Hawthorn only a few months ago and bought
an earlier model WRT54G (v3??) for $92.50 - over the counter.

These are great little boxes ... I wanted to play with WDS so I flashed it
from an image I got off the net and it worked beautifully.

I guess the point I am trying to make is that $124 plus postage seems a little
steep - but maybe the dollar has dropped or something. Cheers!
Murray Jensen, CSIRO Manufacturing & Infra. Tech.      Phone: +61 3 9662 7763
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