[MLB-WIRELESS] Your AUP, Internet Sharing and FON

David Ashburner d_ashburner at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 1 00:56:48 EST 2006

> I also wrote that the FON firmware features a mesh-networking daemon.  
> I
> looked into it further and it seems that it doesn't have any sort or 
> routing
> daemon.  It would appear that FON routers act as stand-alone APs.  I 
> guess
> it stands to reason.  A mesh network or any sort of routed network 
> requires
> a human-administered IP address allocation scheme.  FON probably do 
> not want
> to get involved in running metro-area networks.  So I wonder how FON 
> feel
> about having their connections redistributed the same way they 
> redistribute
> ISP feeds? :)

he he. Be interesting to see how it works. The router has some software 
that connects to FON
so it could be either a registration mechanism to validate you are a 
FON user or else set up a tunnel.
I suppose if you have the source you can check it out :)

If you set up a FON AP and could access it through MW then it's really 
acting as a gateway to FON (peering?)
Not all that useful unless people who were connecting to MW had a FON 
account but were not near a FON AP, but then
if FON were only providing Internet access through the local ISP a MW 
member wouldn't need that anyway.

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