[MLB-WIRELESS] [WLANware] Porting OpenWRT to the Asus WL-530g

Dan Flett conhoolio at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 22 21:58:18 EST 2006

I don't wish to blow my own horn here - but here's something I've had a
minor involvement in:


It looks pretty exciting considering how small these units are.  The OpenWRT
core developers weren't showing much interest in the wl-530g so I made an
offer that OpenWRT forum member "db90h" took up.  Mr db90h is responsible
for the "vxworks killer" bootloader that allows third-party Linux firmwares
to be loaded onto the v5/v6 2Mb WRT54G.  He's pretty confident that OpenWRT
can be ported to this tiny router.  And it turns out that it was cheaper for
me to purchase one in the US via the net and have it sent to him than it is
for me to buy in a shop here in Australia!

Please check out the site above an lend him any assistance you can. :)



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