[MLB-WIRELESS] Apple "OS X" Compatible Wireless Cards

Peter Lieverdink me at cafuego.net
Fri Mar 18 10:11:47 EST 2005

On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 17:36 +1100, Liam Devanny wrote:
> Being a Macintosh user I have had trouble getting a definitive guide on 
> what PCMCIA
> cards would be compatible with my OS and hardware. I stumbled upon this 
> page today
> and thought it may help others out there looking for cards that can be 
> used with a
> Powerbook or iBook and have external antennae attached. Maybe it could 
> be added
> to the Mac FAQ on Melbourne Wireless?
> http://home.earthlink.net/~metaphyzx/Wireless.htm
> (updated regularly)

Afaik iBooks don't have pcmcia slots. Any orinoco card should work with
Powerbooks though, as that is what airport cards are. (NOT airport
extreme cards, they're evil broadcom)

- P.
Creative Contingencies Pty. Ltd.
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