David Ashburner d_ashburner at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 8 19:22:18 EST 2005

Hi Bryce,
Any change? how about an example of what you are trying to change?
Are you changing the segment addresses?
when you loose it on the wired network can you see it on the wireless?

You are using the standard linksys firmware?  you haven't reflashed it?
What version is the router (1 or 1.1) and the firmware you have ( upper 
right hand corner of the webadmin screen)

When you make changes it effectively does a soft reboot, it goes through a 
halt and re-start of the servcies you are changing.  I have noticed with my 
(modified)  firmware that it takes a good minute or so to restart because of 
  generation of ssh keys. When you loose it are any of the lights flashing 
on the front?

>Anyway, what happens is as soon as I make ANY change of any kind to the 
>Linksys router settings though its webmin, the AP will disappear off the 
>wired network (using tools such as "Softperfect Network Scanner" to try and 
>find it) until I physically unplug the power and plug it back in.

So after power cycling are any of the changes you made there?

>As soon as I have reset the power, everything works fine......until next 

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