[MLB-WIRELESS] Internet Access

dawid at bigpond.net.au dawid at bigpond.net.au
Tue Jun 28 17:00:40 EST 2005

That aside and it is still cheap. MJCC (Melbourne Junior Chamber of Commerce) has set its membership at $80 per year and has more members than MW. On top of that they have monthly programmes where key speakers are invited to talk on various topics with members paying on average $25 to attend.
If it is cash you need to raise and are unwilling to look for community sponsorship than how about inviting RF ENgineers, HP Networkers and Innovators to come down and give a half our presentation and charge 10 bucks a pop. You will be surprised at what we all will learn and on top of that MW gets more recognition in the Telco and IT sector and its all for a great cause MW.
I think we can get away with $50 membership P.A. Of course MW would have to be a little more organised so that the funds are properly used for MW community.


---- Dan Flett <conhoolio at hotmail.com> wrote: 
> >
> >Everything else aside, if MW bought bandwidth at $400 per Mbit wholesale,
> >we'd have to cover a minimum cost of $400 per month. This is ignoring the
> >fact that we still have to get that bandwidth from somewhere (the source),
> >and get it to wherever we want.
> $400 per month = $4800 per year.
> 400 people paying a $25 per year membership = $10000
> Surplus funds used to pay off the backbone gear and the ever present 
> administrative stuff...
> It would take a bit of sitting down and thinking about (and maybe actually 
> even asking people) to work out a good "sweet spot" between the price of 
> membership and the number of people willing to pay it, but I certainly think 
> Melbourne Wireless Inc could be rasing a lot more money from membership fees 
> that it currently does.  If we can't offer Internet access (yet), then all 
> the more money for backbone gear!
> Dan
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