[MLB-WIRELESS] Quality-Of-Service for NodeGHO

Dan Flett conhoolio at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 22 14:24:41 EST 2005

Hi all,

I'm looking at implementing Quality-Of-Service (QoS) measures on Node GHO.
I'm sure you'll all agree that this is necessary, and it should improve the
network usefulness for everybody.

I'm also looking at other measures to improve NodeGHO - we can deal with
these in a separate topic.

I'm going to use an adapted version of the qosfw-scripts package mentioned
on this page:

As a start, I'll classify traffic into 3 types -


I suggest that all unclassified traffic be set as "Normal" - but that could
be open to debate.  Another philosophy is to set all unclassified traffic as
"Bulk".  But I think this could mean bad things if people ever want to try
new and interesting applications on the network.

I'm after suggestions as to what protocols/applications should be set as
Priority, and what should be set as Bulk.  Priority traffic always goes
first, and so suffers from the least amount of latency.  Bulk traffic always
goes last and has the highest latency.  Priority traffic should be
applications where interactivity is important - games, IP telephony and
command-line tools such as telnet or SSH.  Bulk traffic should be ones that
are basically file transfers.  P2P and FTP for example.

So throw your suggestions in the ring!  Please include the port number if
you know it.  For applications with no set port number you may be able to
classify it using a Layer-7 filter.  Check this list:
http://l7-filter.sourceforge.net/protocols to see if your
favourite/least-favourite protocol has an L7 filter.



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