Tony Langdon (ATC) tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Thu Nov 4 09:09:11 EST 2004

>     Tony,
>             Thankyou for pulling me up on my 'loose' 
> knowledge of signal polarity
>             Good to know someone read my post
>             What signal polarity then does Melbourne Wireless use ?

I'm not aware of a "standard", though a lot of nodes with omni coverage use
vertical polarisation, because they use a collinear.

>             And the Kiwis running around with their dongles 
> in spider skimmers didn't mention polarity
>             so then do you consider it an issue at all ?

It's always an issue, just not in the way you mentioned. :-)  As long as
both ends of a link are running the same polarisation, that link will be
fine.  In high density areas, having some links vertical and some horizontal
can reduce mutual interference and increase available bandwidth.

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